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School Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 - 3:04

Wednesday: 8:30 - 12:05​


Morning Schedule

8:15 AM - Staff members available outside to supervise the students arriving for school. Between 8:15 and 8:24 AM, students will be encouraged to use this time to mingle with peers.​

8:24 AM - ROUND-UP: The whistle will be blown and children will line up with their class. ​

8:30 AM - SCHOOL DAY BEGINS: The Teaching Assistants will escort the students into the building. Classroom teachers will be on board for the first few weeks to practice this transition. ​

8:30 AM - SECONDARY DOORS LOCKED: All students who arrive after this time will need to be admitted and signed in at the office. They will be marked TARDY on their attendance record and given a Tardy Slip to present to the teacher so that the teacher knows the child is accounted for in our attendance system. ​

8:45 AM - FRONT DOOR LOCKED. All arrivals will need to be buzzed in by the front office staff. 

Attendance & Dismissal Changes

Sprague uses PickUp Patrol to manage student dismissal changes.​ PickUp Patrol saves administrative time and reduces interruptions in our classrooms, while still giving you the flexibility you need to make changes to your children’s plans. Most importantly, it helps Sprague get your children safely to their correct after-school destinations!​ 


Learn more on the Sprague WPS site.

Already created your account? Make changes to your children's dismissal plans at PickUp Patrol.​

Dismissal Routine

Kindergarten - Third Grade

Students must be dismissed to an adult listed as an approved caretaker.

Fourth - Fifth Grade

With parent approval, fourth and fifth graders may pick-up second or third-grade siblings.


Dismissal Areas

WCCC Students: Music Room

METCO: Nurse's Office/ Escorted to Gym

Wellesley Bus: Main Office

Kindergarten Students: Kindergarten Classroom Doors

Car Line: Gym. Children are called when the caregiver arrives in pick-up line.

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To ensure the safety and health of all members of the Sprague community, do not bring any pets to school during arrival and dismissal times.

With the exception of some bus students who may arrive early, students should not arrive at school without adult supervision before 8:15 AM, as there is no staff supervision available prior to that time.


The Sprague School Parking Lot is located adjacent to the school. Other options:

  • ​Parking lot at the end of Calvin Rd. Walk down the path, past the fields to the school.

  • Middle School parking lot. Cross through the athletic fields to school.

PTO Recommendations

  • Help decrease traffic congestion at school by sending children on the bus, forming carpools, or walking with neighbors.

  • Allow for extra time on rainy or snowy days.


  • Pull into the circular buses-only driveway. 

  • Cut through parking lot from 8:15-8:45 AM or 2:45-3:15 PM. 

  • Park in crosswalks.

  • Block fire hydrants.

  • Park in areas that don't have a designated parking line.

  • Park in the car pick-up line.

Carline Morning Drop-off

  • The curb closest to the school building is a LIVE DROP-OFF ZONE in the morning AFTER 8:15AM

  • If your child is not ready to walk into school unattended or you need to leave your car for any reason, find another place to park.

  • Pull ahead as far as you can in the pick-up line to make room for cars in line behind you.

  • Pull your car completely to the curb before discharging passengers.

  • Drivers MAY NOT get out of their car for any reason in the pickup line; this holds up traffic flow.

  • Children exit from the curb-side of the car ONLY.

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Carline Afternoon Pick-up

  • The curb closest to the school building is a LIVE PICK-UP ZONE in the afternoon AFTER 2:45 PM.

  • If your child is not ready to walk into school unattended or you need to leave your car for any reason, find another place to park.

  • Pull ahead as far as possible to make room for cars behind you.

  • Pull your car completely to the curb before discharging passengers.

  • Drivers MAY NOT get out of their car for any reason in the pickup line; this holds up traffic flow.

  • Children enter from the curb-side of the car ONLY. 

  • If the pickup line between the curb and the cones is full, drive down to the fields and turn around to enter the pickup line. Do not wait in the parking lot to enter the pickup line.


401 School Street

Wellesley, MA 02482





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